Sunday, 13 May 2012

Sunday night chit-chat


Absolutely Lucy and Monster Blood III....if that sounds strange, it's because they're children chapter's what I read to the kids for bed which is a majority of what I have time to read these days. 


We got a Boxee Box, which means now I get to watch Ellen! (before the BB, I had just been able to download prime time type shows and movies).  Ellen is hilarious with her funny segment "Clumsy Thumbsy" and "Hot Glam Girl"...the funniest is when people record themselves dancing behind unsuspecting strangers.  I don't even care about the guests she has on her show, it's all the other parts that amuse me the most!
Listening to?
  • New Top 40 we downloaded
  • A lot of muffins this week, 4 dozen...banana nut, banana choc chip, and blueberry. 
  • Also a few loaves of bread, my husband had been making all the bread, but with him going back to work I've taken over that.
Happy you accomplished this week?
  • I managed to put together 15 prize packages, mostly gift baskets for the Volleyball Banquet Saturday. 
  • Put together a gift basket for my mother in law.  Gluten Free (Quinoa bar, Muffin and Pancake Mixes) Maple Syrup, Tea, Jam, Napkins, and 2 card games. 
  • I also got my Secret Sister Swap parcel off in the mail!
  • Donated a GIANT bag of my clothes, big box of my husbands clothes and a whole van full of other misc. things! Sooner or later we're going to run out of stuff to get rid seems endless!
Looking forward to next week?
  • A new cleaning lady starting! I finally found a replacement for our other one who quit a year ago!
  • My blog win, patchwork wallet coming in the mail!
  • Kids starting soccer.
  • A long weekend, means an extra day with the hubby and kids home!

Thankful for today?

Mother's Day! A picnic in the park, with a nice walk around friendship gardens.  The kids got me 3 gift cards for winners...all $37 each, (my favourite #).

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had an awesome and very productive week!!! :) Love the pic of you & kids!! You look great, Toni! And look at your sweet newest addition...aww... Wish you were closer so I could borrow her for a few minutes of snuggling!! lol!
