Sunday, 6 May 2012

Sunday Night Chit-Chat

Sunday Night Chit-Chat - My 1/2 Dozen Daily

Reading...still the Mockingjay. (not much of it though)

Watching...the Amazing Race! I'm not sure who to hope for now that "Kentucky" has been eliminated, maybe the two boarder patrol guys. Since they were so nice and gave Kentucky $5,000 because they won $10,000 and they knew they really needed it. 


Muffins baking in the oven as I type!

I  went to make muffins and discovered my husband used the last of our eggs when making pancakes this morning I was determined to get a batch done so I found this recipe online at Divine Taste they look great and I had everything to make them. They're not as healthy as the ones I usually make...applesauce instead of butter and whole wheat instead of white flour, but I bet they'll taste good!

Listening to....

The radio, the dishwasher, the fireplace.

Accomplished this week...

I sit on an organizing committee for my Volleyball league's end of the year banquet.  I usually put together a video with highlights from the season, but this year I won't even be able to go to the banquet, the baby is just to little to leave for a whole evening out, so no video this year.  I also volunteer to put together the prize table. This year 10 teams gave me money to put together gift baskets on their behalf. I've done 6 so's one..the themes are fun, games night, chocolate lovers, starbucks, patio drinks, BBQ, the one shown here is a mix of coffee, hot chocolate, apple cider, cookies, toffee, chocolates and napkins not really sure what to call it!

Another job that's been a long time coming is setting up our baby crib! Time to retire the bassinet, we only have a three bedroom house so this is in our room, when she gets old enough for a real bed she'll bunk with her sister. 

This job was two fold, first I had to reorganize my clothes, get rid of maternity stuff and sadly pack away all the things I want to keep but that don't fit anymore :( I packed up and even bigger amount of clothes that don't fit that I don't want to keep.  A lot of workplace stuff, that doesn't fit and since I'm likely not going back to work for 4 years it's not worth keeping.

Looking forward to next week...

Playoffs! My team has won our league volleyball playoff's every year for the past TEN years...I can't even believe I've been playing that long let alone winning that long.  We came in 2nd in the regular season this year.  Mainly I love getting to the finals because it means we get to play more volleyball! You lose your out, you win, you keep playing!

First Round is Wednesday, if we win that we get play Saturday!

And finally Thankful for today...

An impromptu lunch at my in-laws.  Was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! The kids love their grandparents, we had a lovely lunch and even fit in a little ping-pong!

1 comment:

  1. The gift basket looks great!! What about calling it "The litte joys in Life"? :) That's great that you sorted & got rid of clothes, no point hanging onto clothes for a long time really... I do the same thing!

    Good luck at your playoffs!!! :)
