Monday, 28 May 2012

Good habits are hard to find...

Why is it that bad habits are so easy to fall back into where good habits are so hard to get back into.  I'm talking about eating and exercise.  

For eight years I religiously went to the gym five days a week. Since my oldest was 4 months old. (before that I was a regular at step classes, baseball, you name it) When I got pregnant this last time, I was working full time and used those two factors as a reason to have a break, well 6 months of the pregnancy, plus 5 months with the baby equals almost a year of getting out of the routine of making it to the gym each day. 

Add to that, the fact that I've fallen back into the habit of eating more calories than I should and at times that I shouldn't...snacking in the evening etc. So I'm just not getting this baby weight off.

Well today I called and registered the kids for Adventure Camp at the gym where I frequented for those 8 years, and the guy at the front desk recognized me and mentioned that he hasn't seen me for a while. 

Now part of that is because I switched gyms.  When I went back to work I picked a gym that was plush and pricey, but close to my office and I was great at going to the gym everyday at lunch. I still have a membership there but they don't take babies at the daycare until 6 I'm close to being able to go there. Just a few more weeks, but at that point the kids will be out of school two weeks later and that gym's daycare is too expensive to take the three of them. I'm also nervous about taking the baby to the daycare, she's at the "making strange" stage and I feel like she'd just cry the entire time. But a lot of these factors are just making it easier for me to find excuses to not get back into shape.

I've started back at volleyball and I walk the kids to school, but it's not the same intensity as an hour on the bike etc.  So that's me getting it out there, admitting that I need a change maybe the first step in finding a solution...stay tuned :)

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to this post. I haven't gone to the gym in a loooong time. Maybe now that the weather is nice I can start a walking routine.

    Thanks Toni for adding our blog to your blog list!
