Friday, 6 July 2012

First week a success!

So it was a successful first week back to the gym.  I got my membership Tuesday and went 4 days in a row. I don't plan to go on weekends, but I intend to go again on Monday.  I've cut down on my eating as well this week, I didn't eat anything after 7pm, which is hard for me! I've also cut out bread or cereal for breakfast and I've replaced that with omelets and smoothies.

So have I lost weight? Probably not, even though a week of improvements is setting me on the right track, I don't look at this a a quick fix my any means.  I'm 165 and was 137 before I got pregnant so I've got a long way to go, but this is the way I look at it. Does weight gain happen over night? Nope, it's a slow process, that happens over time. So it's the same thing with weight loss, I'm not too worried about the number but just happy to be getting back into my healthy habits, I figure the weight loss will eventually follow.

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